Exploring nibs with fine tips: Brause & Co No. 33 EF and No. 31 EF

Exploring the world of calligraphy can be an incredibly rewarding experience. With a multitude of nibs to choose from, it can be daunting to find the perfect one for you. Here at Eliv Rosenkranz, I'm constantly showcasing different types of nibs to make your search easier. 

Until now, most pens featured have had medium-sized tips, which generally provide the benefit of not sticking as much when making upstrokes. It certainly provides a pleasing sensation when effortlessly writing on handmade paper with confidence.

However, sometimes a finer result is desired, which can be tricky with a medium tip. This nib has managed to do just that: providing a fine finish while still maintaining its medium-tip size!

Read the blog: Fluma Cervantes Baignol & Farjon Depose M on handmade paper

I've recently tried out two new nibs with finer tips: Brause & Co No. 33 EF and Brause & Co No. 31 EF, and am thrilled to announce my favourite today in this blog post. 

Achieve elegant calligraphy results with Brause & Co No. 31 EF nib on handmade paper.

Finding the finer touch with Brause & Co nibs

After trying out both nibs in their medium versions already, I was interested to see how they would fare as finer tips too. As soon as I made the first stroke, it was obvious that No. 31 EF had a higher level of smoothness and control.

The differences between them were immediately noticeable; Number 31 EF seemed more suited for quick strokes, while still providing that fine finish I was looking for! 

After careful consideration, I am excited to announce that my favourite among the two fine-tipped nibs - Brause & Co No. 33 EF and Brause & Co No. 31 EF - is the latter: Brause & Co No. 31 EF.

Achieve elegant calligraphy results with Brause & Co No. 31 EF nib on handmade paper.

Advantages of the Brause & Co No. 31 EF nib

  1. It glides easily across handmade paper and doesn't stick much at all
  2. Care should be taken when making upstrokes so as not to press too hard on the nib - but quick movements are still comfortably possible
  3. The lines produced by this nib are much lighter than medium nibs
  4. The result is an elegant and beautiful script with clean results every time

It's important to remember - as mentioned many times before - not apply pressure when making upstrokes! This requires practice. Here are three exercises which will help you achieve better outcomes. 

Read the blog: Understanding Calligraphy – 3 exercises for more beautiful results

Achieve elegant calligraphy results with Brause & Co No. 31 EF nib on handmade paper.

Perfecting your calligraphy on handmade paper

With our practice paper (only available for new customers in combination with other sheets or envelopes) you can purchase envelopes and sheets with small defects at half price - perfect for practising on handmade paper without having to use quality paper all the time.

My Conclusion: Brause & Co No. 31 EF is the right choice!

Calligraphy is a skill that can be both satisfying and worthwhile to explore when you have the perfect tool for the job. An ideal choice for both beginners and advanced calligraphers alike is the Brause & Co No. 31 EF nib - it's powerful enough to provide you with immaculate results, yet still giving you total control over your strokes.

Whichever stage of your calligraphic journey you're in, these two fine-tipped nibs - Brause & Co No. 33 EF and Brause & Co No. 31 EF - will help you accomplish truly remarkable outcomes.

Handmade paper and Brause & Co nibs: A match made in calligraphic heaven!Fine lines, clean results: Brause & Co No. 31 EF nib for your calligraphy needs.Take your calligraphy to the next level with fine-tipped Brause & Co nibs.

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