Paper formats A7 and DIN A7 - similar name, very different sizes and purposes
Again and again, we run into confusion with our clients about two formats that have a very similar name – DIN A7 and A7/5x7”. We understand, how tricky this is, since these two formats come from different continents and you’re either familiar with one or the other. This short article will clear up the confusion hopefully – and introduce you to these formats that actually couldn’t be more different from each other, once you get to know them.
We’re based in Europe, so we work primarily with European DIN formats. Even though we had American customers from the beginning, we did not include American formats in our range until 2021. And then came the confusion: DIN A7 and A7. Which one is which? Here’s the very simple answer you’ve been looking for.
- DIN A7 (73 x 104 mm / 2.87 x 4.09 inches) is one of the smallest formats we carry. It is a bit bigger than a classic business card, and is often used for that; place cards in DIN A7 are also very popular when you need more space than our place card format.
- A7 / 5x7" (128 x 180 mm / 5.04 x 7.09 inches) is an American format that is often used for invitations. It is therefore much larger than the European DIN A7.
To avoid confusion, we call the two formats DIN A7 and A7 – so when there’s no “DIN” in front of the A7, it’s the bigger, North American one.
To make it even more clear, this year we have added the designation "A7 / 5x7" to the product title to better name the products and make the differences more transparent.
Now, to give you extra security: If an order seems strange to us, for example DIN A7 sheets and A7 / 5.5x7.5" envelopes in one order, we are happy to ask our customer directly whether that was intentional or a mistake. The two formats normally don’t match and can’t be combined. However, the confusion has become a lot less over time.
If you’re unsure about other formats, we highly recommend our format guide. We know formats can be confusing and this guide will help you through the jungle of sizes and options!
Happy creations to you!
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